So you are looking around for extra revenue and figure, “Hey, being an affiliate sounds great. Let me try and get a few extra bucks from selling legitimate stuff on the web!”Great idea, and you go on your happy way applying to some of the affiliate programs and affiliate farms out there. So here are some really important pointers for those who think affiliate programs are a piece of cake. Don’t expect to make money. If you do, then great. If you don’t then just don’t think the whole world fell on your shoulders.1. Not Every Affiliate Program is the same.2. Not Every Affiliate Program is the same. AND3. Not Every Affiliate Program is the same.Affiliates work by giving you special code to put on your HTML in your web site. This code is either HTML or Javascript code. Google for instance works with Javascript and calls their program Adwords. Most others work with HTML, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.But here are some of the really sticky points you must know.1. Never mess, touch...